Welcome to the Scottish American Society of the Quad Cities!

We're a community of people who come together to celebrate Scottish history, culture, and tradition, and our connections with our Celtic "cousins." If you're interested in Scottish and or Celtic history and tradition, you're more than welcome to join us! Events include traditional celebrations, such as our annual Robert Burns Dinner, Beltane, Tartan Day, Samhain, and St. Andrews Day, and we also support other groups that promote Scottish/Celtic traditions, heritage, and culture. It is a great organization of friendly people, and we are always accepting new members. Scottish heritage or ancestry is not required. Please see our membership page, and do join us at an event. 


Happy 2025!

Special Events: 

  • Robert Burns Dinner & Gala: February 22, 2025 See our Robert Burns page for details. 
  • Celtic Night Out: July 19, 2025, again at Riverfront Grille. Details to follow. 

Regular Events

  • Scottish Book Club, "44 Scotland Street"  Saturday, Feb. 8, 10:30 am, Butterworth Center, Moline. 
  • Making o' the Haggis, Saturday, Feb. 18, 9:30 am, Hawthorne's. 
  • Tartan Day Dinner, Sunday, April 6, location TBD
  • Beltane Picnic, looking at May 20, Duck Creek Park. Stay tuned! 
  • Samhain Potluck & Bonfire, 6 pm, Saturday, Oct. 18, home of Mary and Greg Bouljon. Traditional fall festival marking the harvest and turning of the year. Bring a dish to pass. 
  • Celebration of the Saints (St. Andrew/St. Nicholas), Date and arrangements, TBD

What's New? 

  1. We're using Eventbrite for online ticket sales to avoid some of the issues we've had with PayPal. Follow Scottish American Society at Eventbrite 

Flowers of the Forest

Our sympathies on the losses of Tom Montgomery, William "Bill" Craig, Bill Lee, Clevelyn Scott, John "Scotty" McFedries, Roger Stancliff, Agnes Koresko, Jim Clark, Angus Muir, Tom Ervin, Mary Fisler, Marsha Findlay, Marilyn Lyon (wife of member Terry Lyon,) and Ann Gloeckner-Anderson (daughter of member Mary Glockner-Bouljon.)  
If you are aware of a passed member, please do reach out so we can recognize them. We have an established memorial policy for immediate family of current members. Our condolences go out to the families and friends of these Flowers of the Forest. They will be much missed.   
2024 donations: 
  • Black Hawk Pipes and Drums, $200, to support Scottish culture through music
  • Augustana Men's Golf Team, $200, to support student exploration of Scotland 
2023 donations:  
  • Memorials to NAMI in memory of Anne Gloeckner Anderson (daughter/stepdaughter of Mary & Greg Bouljon) 
  • Memorial to The Center, memory of Marsha Findlay
2022 donations:
  • Monmouth College, in memory of Bill Lee 
  • King's Harvest Pet Rescue, in memory of Bill Craig 
2020 donations: 
  • Cafe' on Vine, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and the Stancliff family (memorials)
In 2019, the SAS supported several efforts to promote Celtic culture, and the Quad Cities as a whole. These included:
  • Flood Relief efforts at the Salvation Army of the Quad Cities
  • Efforts to rebuild the Irish Football Club of the Quad Cities. The team includes people from all backgrounds, including Scots, and is working on a youth team. 
  • Scottish dance instruction through Studio A Dance Company and Colleen's School of Celtic Dance. Our thanks to the dancers who performed at our 2020 Burns Night! 
 See our Events page for a photo
Our thanks to members who supported Birdies for Charity, the Scottish Golf Event, and other fundraising efforts. 

Are You in Pictures? Click on the "Gallery" tab at the left! 
Facebook Users:  Like and follow our official Scottish American Society page, @sasqc
Contact Us
Mailing address: P.O. Box 132, Moline, IL 61266
Email: Please fill out the webform below: 
Ask questions on membership, general information, to send ideas, request information about an event, or any other reason. Our webmaster will either answer or forward to the appropriate Board Member or other person who can assist.  Thanks!  We look forward to hearing from you.
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