Follow us on Facebook @SASQC for a look at what we're doing and what's coming up! 

Looking for other information? Try these links! If there's one you think should be listed, use hte Contact Us form to let us know! 

Blackhawk Pipes and Drums: 
Celtic Festival and Highland Games of the Quad Cities: 
Quad City Piper: 
Scottish Heritage Society of Iowa: 
Hawkeye Area Grand Gaelic Society of Iowa (HAGGIS): 
St. Patrick Society of the Quad Cities: 
Courses and Castles/Prints by Bill Hawthorne 
   Note:  The painting in the website banner is Castle Eiliean Donan, and is a painting by Bill. 
(Please note: links were valid as of time listed. Website may change. The Scottish American Society is not responsible for out-of-date information on third-party sites.)
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